Tomorrow is National False Teeth Day, a time to observe the importance of good oral health to prevent tooth loss and to encourage anyone who is already living with false teeth that may not be working for them.
Traditional dentures that slip around in your mouth, make your gums feel irritated and sore, and require a lot of daily maintenance to keep clean wouldn’t make anyone feel like celebrating.
But modern dentures, like the type you’ll find in our Crofton, MD dental practice, are entirely different!
If you’re not living as fully as you once did because of false teeth, then watch today’s video to hear Dr. Owens talk about some great benefits of our innovative tooth replacement options, including dentures that are paired with dental implants.
Replacement teeth that work nearly as well as the real thing are definitely worth celebrating! So come and find out which of our dentures options will work for you. Call Owens Dental of Crofton in Crofton, MD at 301-261-3800 or schedule online.
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